- If a black cat crosses your path, it causes bad luck
Not simply in India but rather this is a prevalent view in the west as well. In India, individuals don't push ahead if a black cat crosses their way. It is trusted that dark feline brings misfortune. The cause of this superstition has originated from the Egyptians who trusted that black cats were detestable animals and they bring misfortune. The paranoia surrounding this superstition caused the destruction of a lot of black cats, as well as the killing or severe punishment of anyone who took care of them.
2. Lemon and 7 Green Chillies
Alakshmi, god of misfortune brings bad luck to the shop owners or business. In order not to allow her entering the shops they hang these 7 chillies and lemon. Alakshmi likes sour, pungent and hot things. Therefore at the door, Alakshmi will only come up to the door and eat her favourite food and satisfy her hunger and leave without entering the shop. It is believed that after consuming lemon and green chillies, Alakshmi loses her urge to enter the house or shop. She will turn around without casting her vicious eye.
3. Removing the evil eye (Nazar Utarna)
It is done to shield the little child from any stink eyes and keep anybody from putting a negative vibe over the child. It is finished by putting a little speck of kohl on the brow or behind the ear. It is trusted that the hostile stare can make serious harm whom it turns and put a dab of kohl will influence youngster to look ugly, and consequently, the child will remain shielded from stink eye.
4. Adding one rupee to gift some
In India, it is common to gift money for weddings and other auspicious occasions. One rupee coin or note is always added to the basic sum of money. Giving a sum which is odd for example 501 (or X+1), you make the entire amount indivisible. This amount is especially given to a married couple and considered to bring luck as just like the amount, the couple remains indivisible. Also, if one rupee is not added, to the amount will end in zero (50, 500, or 2000) and zero denotes an end. So this is avoided.
5. Cutting Nails and Washing Hair
Hindus believe that it's inauspicious to cut hair and nails on Saturday because it angers planet Saturn (Shani), which then brings bad luck. Moreover, one must not cut one’s nails after sunset. The origin of this belief could be that in sweeping away the cut nails in the darkness, one could inadvertently sweep away small valuables because of poor visibility (Not sweeping after dark is also a superstition in India) One almost funny superstition associated with washing hair is that a student must never wash his/her hair before an exam. Doing so will ensure that everything the student has learned will be washed away.