Celebrating Britain's 101 Most Influential Asians 2023

In association with edwardian hotel

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Gopi Hinduja and family


GOPI HINDUJA, who heads the family empire in the absence of his elder brother, Srichand, who has been unwell for some years, is currently focused one project.

This is a spectacular opening of the Old War Office, which has been converted into a hotel – the Raffles London – and luxury private residences.

There are hopes that the formal inauguration of the project, which was delayed by the pandemic, will finally take place in May.

The identity of the chief guest is being worked out but the Hindujas would like to show their influence by ensuring it is someone very special.

Gopi’s elder son, Sanjay, has been taking a close interest in the project. It began in 2014 when the Hindujas and OHL Developments paid more than £350m for a 250-year lease on the Old War Office in Whitehall, a turreted former government ministry that opened in 1906, having cost a then-staggering £1.2m to build.

The hotel has 120 rooms and suites, designed by Thierry Despont. There are 85 Raffles branded residences, designed by 1508 London, “an interior and architecture design studio that creates exceptional spaces worldwide”. There are 11 restaurants and bars led by world-class chefs and restaurateurs including a rooftop bar with panoramic views. The venture also has a “dedicated wellness concept with spa and indoor pool”.

Sanjay, who gave an interview in one of the private apartments after being given an architectural prize by a luxury magazine, called it “a recognition not only for the family, but all the stakeholders involved. We have so many in house people, our development team, and consultants. It’s recognition for all of us.”

He remembered: “When we came to Whitehall, we just were blown away with the size and the beauty of this building. And we said, ‘Let’s do something, leave

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