Superstar Aamir Khan, who was interacting with media at the grand finale of Cinestaan India's Storyteller Script Contest 2018 on Monday in Mumbai, said that he was extremely happy that Shah Rukh Khan agreed to star in space odyssey film Saare Jahaan Se Achha, which was initially offered to him, but he could not do it due to his busy schedule.
"I feel sad that I am not able to do it, which is why I actually called up Shah Rukh and said that it's a wonderful story and you should hear it. I am really happy that he liked it and he is doing it, so all my best wishes for their project,” said the superstar.
Saare Jahaan Se Achha is a biopic on astronaut Rakesh Sharma, who became the first Indian man to set his foot in space. The movie has been written by successful writer Anjum Rajabali.
Saare Jahaan Se Achha is set to begin production in February, 2019. Before beginning the shoot, the makers will lock the female lead opposite Shah Rukh Khan. There are rumours that Bhumi Pednekar has bagged the part, but no official announcement has been made so far.
The movie will be helmed by Mahesh Mathai, while Siddharth Roy Kapur will bankroll the project in association with Ronnie Screwvala.
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