AMERICAN television studio ABC has issued an apology to Quantico fans after an episode of the crime drama showed an Indian nationalist trying to frame Pakistan in a terrorist plot. The show's lead actress Priyanka Chopra was heavily criticised by Twitterati, with many calling for a boycott of her work.
“The episode has stirred a lot of emotion, much of which is unfairly aimed at Priyanka Chopra, who didn’t create the show, nor does she write or direct it,” ABC said in a statement.
The episode in question shows Chopra, who plays CIA operative Alex Parrish, foiling a plot by Indian nationalists trying to detonate a nuclear bomb in Manhattan. Shortly after the episode was aired on June 1, fans took to social media questioning how Chopra, who is an Indian, could even agree to be a part of the controversial plot.
One tweet read: "Every eminent personality of any country becomes brand ambassador of that country too, so it's the responsibility of @priyankachopra not to hurt the sentiment of anyone, she has done foolish act and let down the fellow Indian.#Quantico#QuanticoSlammed."
Another Twitter user added: "You know @priyankachopra , as an Indian I hate you to the depth of my patriotism. Shame on you #QuanticoSlammed."
ABC, in its statement, clarified that Chopra had no involvement in the storyline. “The show has featured antagonists of many different ethnicities and backgrounds but in this case, we inadvertently and regrettably stepped into a complex political issue. It was certainly not our intention to offend anyone,” ABC said in a statement on Friday.
The studio also stressed that Quantico was a work of fiction.
Quantico, which is currently airing Season 3, is Chopra's debut American show. She made her Hollywood debut last year with the Baywatch reboot.