If latest reports are to be believed, actor Aditya Roy Kapur might be seen in filmmaker Mohit Suri's next offering. Mohit is the same director who gave him his career's biggest hit, Aashiqui 2. Besides Aditya Roy Kapur, Bareilly Ki Barfi fame Kriti Sanon is also rumoured to be a part of the untitled project.
Reportedly, Aditya and Mohit have met a couple of times over the last few weeks to discuss the movie. While the actor is almost confirmed to play the male lead, Kriti Sanon will sign the movie after coming back from Chandigarh where she is currently shooting for her forthcoming film, Arjun Patiala, with singer-actor Diljit Dosanjh.
We also hear that Mohit's next is a two-hero project and he is currently looking for the right guy who could play the second male lead in his movie. “It’s a love triangle between a girl and two boys. The hunt for the other male lead is on. They have also spoken to a few young actors and once they get a confirmation, they will announce the film,” a source reveals.
Aditya Roy Kapur is going through a rough phase in his professional life as his last few releases like Fitoor and Ok Jaanu failed to find the audience at the box office. We hope he hits the home run again with Mohit's next venture.