Bollywood megastar Salman Khan has a big heart, so big that he can help people close to him not once but innumerable times. In 2015, Khan launched two star-kids, actor Suniel Shetty’s daughter Athiya Shetty and Aditya Pancholi’s son Sooraj Pancholi with his mid-budgeted production Hero.
However, even after all the ballyhoo ahead of the release of the movie, Hero bombed at the ticket window, incurring heavy losses to Salman Khan Films. After the dismal performance of the Nikkhil Advani directorial, Sooraj Pancholi and Athiya Shetty did not find much work and went into oblivion.
The latest we hear that Khan has taken it upon himself to resurrect Athiya’s career and is looking for another project for the young girl. “Bhai (Salman Khan) had made a promise to Aditya Pancholi and Suniel Shetty to launch their progenies Sooraj and Athiya, respectively, which he even did in Hero. The matter should have ended there. But since Hero didn’t work, Bhai is now looking at another project for Athiya. Sooraj is being relaunched in a musical-action film co-starring Katrina’s sister Isabelle,” informs a source.
Meanwhile, Athiya is presently shooting for Manish Harishankar's Hope Solo, wherein she plays Kashmiri student and footballer Afshan Ashiq. The film is currently being shot in the Kashmir Valley.