When Rohan Sippy, the son of renowned filmmaker Ramesh Sippy, decided to make his directorial debut with Kuch Naa Kaho (2003), he could not think of any other actors than Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and his childhood friend Abhishek Bachchan as leads. After Kuch Naa Kaho, Rohan collaborated with Abhishek on films such as Bluffmaster and Dum Maaro Dum, but he could never cast Aishwarya in any of his ventures. But if latest reports are to be believed, the duo might join forces once again after a massive gap of fifteen years.
Buzz has it that Aishwarya Rai Bachchan has been approached to star in a thriller which will be co-produced by Siddharth Anand and KriAarj Entertainment. “The thriller will be centred around Aishwarya’s character. It will also have a younger romantic lead, two popular stars, alongside Aishwarya. But she will play the main protagonist,” reveals a source.
The source adds, “Aishwarya is very excited about this project. She and Rohan go back a long way. Rohan Sippy is one of Abhishek’s closest friends. After she did Rohan’s Kuch Na Kaho opposite Abhishek, Aishwarya was supposed to star in Rohan Sippy’s Bluffmaster with Abhishek. But she had to be replaced by Priyanka Chopra at the last minute. To be coming together with Rohan after so many years is fantastic. Aishwarya will be going in for a completely new look in this film.”
Set in Mumbai and Australia, the untitled film will go to sets later this year.
Meanwhile, Aishwarya will shortly be seen in KriArj Entertainment's Fanne Khan, which also stars Anil Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao.