By: Mohnish Singh
As reported earlier, Ajay Devgn is the latest actor from Bollywood to have jumped off the big screen to make his digital debut. On Tuesday, the superstar announced his foray into the digital world with Disney+ Hotstar VIP’s Rudra - The Edge of Darkness, which is the adaptation of the British psychological crime drama television series Luther, starring Idris Elba as DCI John Luther and Ruth Wilson as Alice Morgan. BBC India and Applause Entertainment have joined forces to bankroll the high-profile project.
Speaking about the show, Ajay Devgn said, “My attempt has always been to tell unique stories and work with good talent. The idea is to raise the bar of entertainment in India. The digital world excites me, and I am looking forward to working with Applause and BBC to bring this series to life on Disney+ Hotstar VIP. Rudra: The Edge of Darkness is a compelling and highly intriguing story and I can't wait to begin this new journey! Playing a cop on screen is not new to me, but this time the character is more intense, complex and dark. What drew me most to his persona is that he is possibly the greyest character you may come across in recent times.”
Sameer Nair, CEO, Applause Entertainment said, “Rudra: The Edge of Darkness is one of our biggest shows to date and we are very excited to have Ajay Devgn play the lead. He truly has the fiery intensity and persona required to play this iconic character. With Disney+ Hotstar VIP we have built a strong foundation and are looking forward to creating this global series. We work very closely with BBC Studios to bring the best stories to Indian audiences and Rudra is a brilliant reimagination of an iconic global format.”
Rudra: The Edge of Darkness is set to stream in 2021.
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