After the failure of his last directorial venture Aiyaary (2018), filmmaker Neeraj Pandey announced his next project with superstar Ajay Devgn. Titled Chanakya, the project was expected to mount the shooting floor soon. A couple of months ago, some media outlets reported that Chanakya has been shelved. But from what we hear, the project is very much on track.
Before announcing the film, Neeraj Pandey had just narrated his germ of the idea to Ajay Devgn. The actor, known for his meticulousness, had a couple of queries and asked the filmmaker to come back with more details on the subject matter, but what the director did left the superstar surprised.
“Neeraj realized that Ajay does not really understand his style of working. So, to make Ajay comfortable, Neeraj went off to the drawing board and came back with an entire script so that Ajay could be convinced. And when Ajay heard it, he was blown away because Neeraj narrated the script to him with every detail in place and Ajay had no queries after that. We will hear of an announcement soon once they put the logistics of the film on paper including profit share, satellite rights, etc.” an insider tells a publication.
When the project was announced in 2018, Chanakya was thought to be a biopic based on ancient teacher, philosopher, economist, jurist and royal advisor Chanakya, also known as Kautilya and Vishnugupta. However, from what we hear now, Chanakya is not a biopic. “It is more of a modern-day narrative of Chanakya with a lot of political overtones,” the source reveals to the publication.
Meanwhile, Ajay Devgn is working hard on the post-production work of his much-awaited movie Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior. Also starring Kajol and Saif Ali Khan in important roles, the war historical drama is scheduled to roll into theatres on 10th January, 2020. Apart from playing the male lead, Devgn is also the producer of the film.