Starring Ajay Devgn in the lead role, Bhuj: The Pride of India is one of the most-awaited movies of 2020. While the film is almost complete, a few sequences are yet to be shot. The makers are planning to return to the shooting floor soon after all production activities remained suspended for almost three months in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic.
Before the film resumes shooting, an interesting piece of news has come out. Reportedly, Ajay Devgn choreographed two elaborate fight sequences between him and Sanjay Dutt in the hugely anticipated movie. A publication reports that the superstar turned to action choreography when South stunt coordinator Peter Hein was unavailable for the shoot prior to the Coronavirus lockdown.
“The sequences come at a crucial juncture in the narrative. In the first set-piece, Ajay is seen attempting hand-to-hand combat as he fights the spies sent by the Pakistani army. The other segment, an outdoor shoot, has Sanjay Dutt and Sharad Kelkar take on the baddies. While Peter Hein has handled the remaining action scenes, he was not available in mid-March when these pieces were to be shot. Since producers Ginny Khanuja, Bhushan Kumar, Vajir Singh, and Kumar Mangat Pathak had booked the Powai studio and got the combination dates of the concerned actors, they requested Ajay to take charge. Anyone who has worked with the actor has noticed his expertise in mounting a high-octane fight scene, like father Veeru Devgan,” a source informs the publication.
Directed by Abhishek Dudhaiya, Bhuj: The Pride of India is based on the life of IAF Squadron Leader Vijay Karnik, who and his team reconstructed the IAF airbase with the help of 300 local women during the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971.
Buzz has it that Bhuj: The Pride of India will directly release on an OTT platform, forgoing the theatrical release.