It has not been long when Akshay Kumar expressed his desire to be part of a horror comedy. A couple of weeks ago, reports were doing the rounds that the superstar might headline the Hindi remake of Tamil horror comedy Kanchana 2: Ganga. And the latest we hear is that Kumar has indeed given his nod to star in the remake. We have also learnt that the actor will be seen in a double role in the film.
According to reports, Akshay does not want to stick to a particular image. In the past few years, he has mostly be seen in social issues driven films like Jolly LLB 2, Toilet: Ek Prem Katha and Pad Man. The actor wants to break that image and experiment with new characters.
Besides Akshay doing Kanchana 2: Ganga remake, buzz also has it that actress Taapsee Pannu, who played the female lead in the original film, will reprise her role in the Hindi remake as well.
Meanwhile, Akshay Kumar is currently busy with the shooting of his next film Gold. His sci-fi film 2.0 with Rajinikanth is awaiting its release in April. Taapsee, on the other hand, will next be seen in Soorma, followed by Manmarziyan and Womaniya.