One of the most bankable stars of Bollywood, Akshay Kumar will have three releases in 2018 - Padman, 2.0 and Gold. While Padman is set to hit the silver screen on 26th January, 2.0 and Gold will come out in April and August respectively.
Besides these 3 highly anticipated films, Khiladi Kumar also has Karan Johar's Kesari in the pipeline. To be directed by Anurag Singh, the period film is based on the famous battle of Saragarhi.
The latest update on the project is that the National Award winning actor will commence shooting for Kesari from January 2018 onwards. At the song launch of his forthcoming film Padman, Akshay said, "The title has been finalized as Kesari. I will start working on the film in January. We will be continuously shooting for it after the release of Padman."
Padman, which is slated to release on 26th January, will clash with filmmaker Neeraj Pandey’s much-awaited Aiyaary. When the actor was asked about the clash, he said, “Both the films are absolutely different from each other. Neeraj Pandey is a dear friend. And, yes, this word ‘clash' has actually come from media. We have no problem in releasing films. There are around 4,000-5,000 screens in India and my film is screened in 2,800 screens. I think it's fair enough."
Directed by R Balki, Padman also stars Sonam Kapoor and Radhika Apte.