Alia Bhatt was looking forward to working with ace filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali, one of her most favourite directors, in Inshallah. She had even shot for a few days for the film. However, as ill-luck would have it, superstar Salman Khan exited the project at the last moment, leaving the entire team in the lurch.
As things stand today, Inshallah has been shelved. The decision of stalling the project negatively impacted Alia Bhatt as she had allotted a large chunk of her dates to the film, but the actress is not complaining. She has deliberately decided to keep quiet on the matter.
“When Salman was out of Inshallah, Alia did not know what hit her. She has given a large chunk of her dates to the film, but she is not complaining. She does not want to compromise the project by saying anything,” a source told a publication.
Even Sanjay Leela Bhansali is eager to work with Bhatt as he was surprised with her performance in the portion the duo had shot for, for Inshallah. “He did a small stint of shooting with Alia, and he was blown away by what she brought to the film. He does not want to let go of the opportunity to direct Alia,” the source added.
Sharing her excitement of collaborating with Sanjay Leela Bhansali, Alia Bhatt had previously said, “The three directors on my wish list when I became an actress were Karan Johar, Sanjay Leela Bhansali and S.S. Rajamouli. One of them launched me as a heroine, and I am working with the other two.”
Meanwhile, Alia Bhatt is looking forward to her other films including Brahmastra, RRR and Sadak 2. All these films are scheduled to enter theatres in 2020.