Raazi, starring Alia Bhatt and Vicky Kaushal in pivotal roles, released on 11th May 2018 across 1500 screens in India. After garnering excellent reviews from critics, the movie spelt its magic on the audience in full measure and pulled in an impressive figure of ₹ 7.53 crores from its first-day run at the domestic box-office.
Trade analyst Taran Adarsh wrote on Twitter, “Power of SOLID CONTENT... #Raazi starts Day 1 with a BIG BANG... The EXCEPTIONAL word of mouth should result in a FANTASTIC opening weekend... Fri ₹ 7.53 cr. India biz.”
The film revolves around an innocent Kashmiri girl Sehmat (Alia Bhatt) who decides to marry a completely unknown Pakistani army official (Vicky Kaushal) so that she could collect information about Pakistan army's secret war mission against India.
After beginning its run with a bang, Raazi is expected to perform even better over the weekend. Its collections are expected to soar further on Saturday and Sunday. The film is looking at closing out its first weekend with approximately ₹ 26-27 crores in its pocket.
Directed by Meghna Gulzar, Raazi is bankrolled by Dharma Productions and Junglee Pictures.
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