Last month, it was announced that Allu Arjun’s daughter Allu Arha will be making her acting debut with Samantha Akkineni starrer Shaakuntalam. On Monday, Allu Arjun visited the sets of the film as he was shooting for Pushpa at the same location.
He took to Twitter to inform his fans about it. The actor tweeted, “Today my daughter Arha and I are shooting for different films at the same location. So, got to visit her set. I was expecting something like this to happen maybe after 15-20 years. But it happened so soon. PUSHPA meets BHARATA in SHAAKUNTHALAM. What a memorable coincidence.”
A couple of days ago also Allu Arjun had visited the sets of Shaakuntalam. He had tweeted, “It was nice visiting the sets of #Shaakuntalam. Very heartwarming to see Allu ARHA at shoot , it’s something I never thought I will see so soon . Thank you @Gunasekhar1 garu, @neelima_guna garu and @Samanthaprabhu2 for taking such good care of her .”
Directed by Gunasekhar, Shaakuntalam is one of the most awaited Telugu movies. It is based on the popular Indian play Shakuntala by Kalidasa. While Samantha will be seen playing the role of Shakuntala and Dev Mohan will portray the character Dushyanta.
Talking about Allu Arjun’s Pushpa, the film will hit the big screens on Christmas this year. While it is shot in Telugu, the movie will be dubbed and released in various languages like Malayalam, Tamil, Hindi, and Kannada.
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