Popular television actor Aly Goni, who is best remembered for playing Romi Bhalla on Star Plus’ successful show Yeh Hai Mohabbatein, is set to foray into digital space with an upcoming web series titled Zidd. Well-known Bollywood producer Boney Kapoor is bankrolling the project, which also stars powerful performer Amit Sadh in the lead role.
On bagging Zidd, Goni says, “This is a huge opportunity. Working in a web series produced by Boney Kapoor is definitely a big thing for me. It is titled Zidd and is directed by Vishal Mangalorkar. It also stars Amit Sadh, who I am very fond of. His work on the web platform has been very well received.”
Talking about how he has been prepping for his role, the actor says, “Zidd has an army backdrop so I am trying hard to lose weight. I am working out, running, and also doing MMA. Looking like an army officer is a big challenge for me. I have waited for a long time, and have let go of many other opportunities because I wanted the right break. My only intention is to act well and also excel, and I can feel that moment is very close to me now.”
A lot of television and film actors have been venturing into digital space lately. Speaking about the trend, Aly says, “I feel the OTT space is best for an actor. You can do a lot of creative stuff on this platform. And I always wanted to do something raw, which would not have been possible in television shows. Majorly for that, I have never played a lead on television. I feel on OTT an actor gets a free hand to perform and that’s what I have always aimed for.”
When asked about bold content on OTT platforms, he says, “If my director wanted and the character needed it, I will do whatever is required. I am a director’s actor and I also do my own improvisations.”
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