Ameesha Patel recently addressed the curious questions from her fans about the possibility of her marrying Bollywood superstar Salman Khan. During a fun Twitter chat, Ameesha was asked about the idea of marriage, especially considering that both are still bachelors and, as the fans pointed out, “good-looking.” The actress laughed at the suggestion and shared her thoughts, acknowledging that people love seeing attractive individuals come together. She even joked that it was a “great reason” for fans to want her and Salman to tie the knot.
Ameesha recalled how after her iconic debut film Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai with Hrithik Roshan, fans were eager for the two to become a real-life couple. When Hrithik announced his marriage, many fans were left heartbroken, highlighting the way on-screen chemistry often sparks similar hopes for off-screen relationships. Ameesha further expressed her openness to marriage but humorously mentioned that finding the right partner has been a challenge.
She also looked back on her time working with Salman Khan in Yeh Hai Jalwa (2002). Despite the film’s lack of commercial success, she fondly remembered their pairing and the fun they had on set. However, she also commented that the movie's failure could partly be attributed to Salman’s involvement in the controversial hit-and-run case, which took the media’s focus away from the film and toward the scandal, affecting its box office performance.
While Ameesha’s fans continue to root for her personal life, the actress remains focused on her career. She is currently preparing for the release of her upcoming film Run Bhola Run. Meanwhile, Salman Khan will star in Sikandar, which is slated for an Eid 2025 release. Ameesha’s lighthearted response to the marriage talk shows her sense of humour and her appreciation for her fans, while also reminding everyone that marriage isn’t just about fulfilling public expectations—it’s about finding the right partner at the right time.