As expected, the Amitabh Bachchan and Rishi Kapoor starrer 102 Not Out showed a tremendous growth on Saturday. The film, which entered cinemas on 4th May, racked up ₹ 5.53 crores on its second day at the Indian box-office, talking its cumulative collection to an impressive ₹ 9.05 crores. The film benefitted a lot from the excellent word of mouth that set in right after the first show.
Noted film critic and trade analyst Taran Adarsh took to his Twitter handle to share the latest collection of the film. “Strong word of mouth is translating into BO numbers... #102NotOut witnesses an upward trend on Day 2... 57.10% growth... It’s all about maintaining the pace today [Sun] and also on weekdays... Fri 3.52 cr, Sat 5.53 cr. Total: ₹ 9.05 cr. India biz,” read his tweet.
If 102 Not Out remains steady on Sunday, the film seems poised to close out its first weekend with a handsome figure of ₹ 15+ crores. And if its performance does not waver in weekdays, it is set to emerge as a profitable venture for all the stakeholders involved.
Directed by Umesh Shukla, 102 Not Out revolves around a father-son duo where Amitabh Bachchan plays 102-year-old father to a 75-year-old son, played by Rishi Kapoor. The film received excellent response from critics and now the audience is also showering its love on the movie.