Megastar Amitabh Bachchan, who is currently busy hosting the latest season of popular game show Kaun Banega Crorepati, was set to arrive in theatres on 20th September with his much-awaited film Jhund. The movie, which marks the Hindi film debut of well-known Marathi filmmaker Nagraj Manjule, was ready to lock horns with Sanjay Dutt’s Prassthanam and several other films on the said date.
However, as soon as Big B came to know that his film Jhund was pitted against Sanjay Dutt’s Prassthanam, he decided to postpone the release of his film. And you will be surprised to know what led the legendary actor to do so.
Spilling some beans, a source in the know tells a publication, “Sanjay’s father Sunil Dutt had given Amit ji one of his earliest breaks in the movie industry with the film Reshma Aur Shera (1971), and he shares a superb bond with that family. He was having a discussion with the makers, and he said that any later date would be good for him. Though it is not decided yet, the makers of Jhund decided not to come in with the jhund, and have possibly postponed it to next year.”
Though Amitabh Bachchan’s Jhund may not come on 20th September, Prassthanam is going to face stiff competition from other releases on the same date. Ayushmann Khurrana’s Dream Girl and Sunny Deol’s directorial Pal Pal Dil Ke Paas, which launches his son Karan Deol in Bollywood, also enter theatres on 20th September.