Actor Vardhan Puri, who is the grandson of late veteran actor Amrish Puri, debuted on the big screen with Cherag Ruparel’s 2019 film Yeh Saali Aashiqui. Though the film did not set the cash registers jingling at the box office, Vardhan did receive praise for his debut performance. Later, he signed three films, but call it bad luck, none of them could see the light of day and were eventually scrapped.
In a recent interview with an Indian publication, the newcomer opened up about how some people openly ask for sexual favours in the industry and try to take advantage of him.
“Some people directly ask you for sexual favours, and say, ‘You pay me this much and I will get you this’,” he said.
He went on to add, “Someone would say, ‘I will help you get in touch with X, Y, Z, and they are writing a film for you. And later, you learn that the person doesn’t even know the director and does not even belong to the industry. They just try to make a quick buck.”
Sharing a piece of advice he received from his grandfather, Amrish Puri, Vardhan once told a newswire, “My grandfather gave me this tip. He said many actors, who come from a theatre background to films tend to forget the theatre preparation. And they start behaving in a starry manner, start partying and acquire attitude. They walk around with an entourage. My grandfather told me not to get into all this.”
He continued, “He said, ‘Do these things only as part of the profession but do not let these things become a part of your core. Let your core be that of a theatre actor. Always behave in the way that you are at your roots, which is that of a theatre actor. If you do that, the chances of failure are less’. That is what my grandfather told me and that is my Bible.”
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