On Tuesday, Dharma Productions’ head honcho Karan Johar announced his next production venture, featuring Deepika Padukone, Ananya Panday and Siddhant Chaturvedi in central characters. Produced by Karan Johar, the upcoming movie will be directed by Shakun Batra who has previously helmed Ek Main Aur Ek Tu (2012) and Kapoor & Sons (2016).
Ananya Panday, who made her acting debut with Dharma Productions’ Student of the Year 2 (2019), is quite psyched up about working with Deepika Padukone. During a recent interview, the newcomer said, "I am really delighted that I can finally tick it off my wish list now. The film is really of a different genre, where there will be some romantic drama. It is something that I have not done before and I am looking forward to."
The actress, whose latest film Pati Patni Aur Woh (2019) is still running successfully in several cinemas across the world, went on to add, "Deepika Padukone is an actress I truly love and I also really enjoyed watching Siddhant in Gully Boy (2019). Moreover, I am working again with Dharma Productions, which feels like home and I am really happy about it. I'll forever be grateful to Karan Johar. My director Shakun Batra, I believe, is one of the finest in the industry and he has been the dream director I have always wanted to work with."
Meanwhile, Ananya Panday is currently working on Khaali Peeli, produced by filmmaker Ali Abbas Zafar. The actress has been paired opposite Ishaan Khatter in the film. This is the first time when the duo is working together on a project. Directed by Maqbool Khan, Khaali Peeli is reportedly a remake of the Telugu film Taxiwaala (2018) starring southern heartthrob Vijay Deverakonda. It is scheduled to release on 12th June 2020.