Veteran filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt, who is returning to direction after a huge gap of two decades, has completed the first shooting schedule of his film Sadak 2. The movie, which is a sequel to Sadak (1991), stars Pooja Bhatt, Alia Bhatt, Sanjay Dutt and Aditya Roy Kapur in lead roles. The sequel mounted the shooting floor on 18th May.
As the first shooting schedule came to an end, actress Pooja Bhatt seemed confident of something special taking shape on the sets of the much-awaited film. The actress, who played the female lead in the original film, took to social media to share her experience of working on Sadak 2.
"And it's a wrap for our first schedule of Sadak 2. You know you're onto something special when you wake up the morning after with a longing to be back on set. Thank you to the entire crew for everything and more,” wrote the actress on her Instagram account.
Sadak 2 is one of the most awaited films in the first quarter of 2020. Since Mahesh Bhatt is directing a movie after two decades and that too featuring both his daughters, a lot of anticipation can be seen among the cinephiles.
Sadak 2 is set to roll into theatres on 10th January 2020.
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