Angad Bedi, who was recently seen in the Shaad Ali-directed Soorma (2018), has bagged Ekta Kapoor’s upcoming web-series The Verdict – State Vs Nanavati, which will stream on ALTBalaji. Inspired from true events, the courtroom drama stars Bedi as successful lawyer Karl Khandalavala.
Talking about the series and his collaboration with ALTBalaji, Angad said, "After Inside Edge, I was keen to do a show only if it ups the ante in terms of uniqueness of storyline. I heard the concept of this show, it just blew my mind! Powerful and exceptional roles like these are what actor dreams are made off. You know, I have always believed that with Ekta one can expect the unexpected, and this is one of those. You would identify certain genres with her but with ALTBalaji she will break every stereotype that ever existed."
The actor further added, "The story at its core is so powerful, and who wouldn’t to take up the opportunity to play Karl Khandalavala, the experienced top running criminal lawyer. It’s an interesting role and I have already started preparing for it. I am so glad to have got this opportunity to work with Shashant Shah who is going to direct this show."
The series will be based on the infamous case of K.M. Nanavati Vs. State of Maharashtra, which still remains one of the most sensational criminal cases in India. This 10-episode courtroom drama will source its content from public records, newspaper articles of the time and interviews with people who have knowledge of the case.