Talented actor Angad Bedi, who was last seen in sports biopic Soorma (2018), seems quite psyched up about his forthcoming digital series, The Verdict. Set to stream on ALTBalaji soon, the series features him in the role of a defence lawyer. The actor says that it has been his toughest role to date.
The Verdict is courtroom drama inspired from the much-talked-about Nanavati murder case which shook the entire nation way back in 1959. Angad plays the real-life character of defence lawyer Karl Jamshed Khandalavala presenting the defence on the famous case of all time KM Nanavati vs. State of Maharashtra.
When asked about what led him to say yes to the project, Angad says, “To portray a real-life character is the toughest job for an actor because one never knows which direction to flow. Karl Jamshed Khandalavala has been my most challenging yet emotionally draining part I have ever played or prepped for.”
The actor goes on to add that in order to slide into the skin of the character, he read a lot about the law set in the 1950s and also spent time on getting the body language right. “To internalise Karl, I read up a lot on firstly the law set in the 1950s and spent time on getting the body language correct. Speech used in court in that era was crystal clear, so I had to keep all that in mind while trying to memorise 6 to 8-page monologues. The look played a very important part. This is the first time I have had a chance to experiment with my look. So the suits were brought in, the rimless round spectacles came in. The hand watch came in to play with a very stiff upper lip kind of arrogance.”
Besides Angad Bedi, The Verdict also features Manav Kaul, Elli Avrram, Saurabh Shukla, Sumeet Vyas, Kubbra Sait, Makarand Deshpande, Soni Razdan, Viraf Patel, Swanand Kirkire and Pooja Gor on its ensemble cast.
It starts streaming on ALTBalaji soon.