FOR the first time, Anil Agarwal has taken a board position in his Indian entity Vedanta Ltd, replacing brother Navin.
The company said that Anil Agarwal has been appointed as "the non-executive chairman" of the Indian entity, which houses oil and gas, aluminium, power, iron ore, steel and copper business.
Anil had been heading London-based Vedanta Resources so far.
Navin will now be the executive Vice Chairman of the board.
The change happened following the resignation of the CEO S Venkatakrishnan. He was replaced by Sunil Duggal, current head of Vedanta unit Hindustan Zinc Ltd.
'The company will be run by a management committee comprising of CEO, CFO, CHRO and CCO who will take all key decisions collectively under the guidance of Chairman," the statement said.
Anil Agarwal's daughter Priya is also in the board as director.