Anil Singh recently unveiled the first poster for his forthcoming Bollywood film Midday Meeal. After receiving a lot of positive feedback for the initial poster, the actor-turned-director released the official poster for the film on social media.
Anil Singh has now spoken about the strong message that the movie has to offer to the audience. He says, "My movie is going to be focused on one of those things which we all have enjoyed in our school days. Midday Meeal is the kind of movie, which will set a strong message in the minds of the audience. I always wanted to do something for the welfare of society but through the medium of entertainment and Midday Meeal is one of those best mediums through which I will allow the audience to take that strong message along with them."
"A movie like Toilet-Ek Prem Katha by Akshay Kumar which made the audience aware of what all the rural women have to face and fight is on the same line as my movie, Midday Meeal, which will depict the various pros and cons in a powerful sense. I am really looking forward to it and just hoping for the best" exclaims the captain of the ship, Anil Singh.
Recently, Anil Singh unveiled the poster for his film, Midday Meeal, which is challenging to understand yet very entertaining and raises many issues in people's heads.
The film has Ranvir Shorey essaying a prominent role. The teaser will be released in the coming week so stay tuned.
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