Anushka Sharma was last seen in Zero (2018) alongside Shah Rukh Khan and Katrina Kaif. Released with sky-high expectations, the movie fell flat at the box-office and was declared a box-office dud within days of arriving in cinemas. Just like her co-star Shah Rukh Khan, Anushka has also not announced her next film after the debacle of Zero. But it looks like she has finally found an interesting story to work on next.
Recently, Anushka Sharma was seen interacting with Jhulan Goswami at Eden Gardens in Kolkata. While some said that the duo was shooting for an advertisement, others suggested they were working on a promo shoot for a film. If fresh reports are to be believed, Anusha Sharma is indeed going to headline a biopic based on the life of Jhulan, former Indian captain of women’s cricket team. The work on the biopic of the all-rounder cricketer has already begun and Anushka is set to step into the shoes of Jhulan Goswami in the biopic.
According to reports, Anushka has even registered two titles with the Indian Motion Pictures Producers’ Association (IMPPA) called Chakdaha Express and Chakda Express. She is planning to make a formal announcement of her next project very soon.
Interestingly, Taapsee Pannu is also headlining a biopic based on the life of captain Mithali Raj. It has been titled Shabaash Mithu. It is so good to see two good biopics being made on women cricketers. Trade pundits wish that both the films do not clash at the box-office in 2021. The Taapsee Pannu starrer is slated to hit the marquee in February 2021. It will be helmed by Rahul Dholakia. The Jhulan Goswami biopic will reportedly be directed by Prosit Roy, who has previously directed Anushka Sharma in Pari (2018).