Actor Arjun Bijlani is currently in the picturesque valley of Manali and enjoying the view in the chilly weather. But he is not on a vacation. The popular actor is currently shooting for his show Ishq Mein Marjawan along with his co-star Alisha Panwar. The cast and crew are in Manali for the second time after they started shooting in August-September last year in the city.
Speaking on the experience in Manali, Arjun says,"It is great to be back in Manali. So many memories attached to the valley. This is my third trip as earlier I came for a vacation and twice on work. Last time when I was here, I visited the famous and auspicious Hidimba temple and I prayed there for the success of the show. And now when our show is doing well, I will be going there again and will thank goddess for the success of the show."
The weather in Manali is extremely cold now and Arjun is very happy for that. "In Mumbai weather is always humid and we hardly experience winter. I am so happy that this time in Manali I am enjoying the snow and it is a visual treat for sure. .I am carrying a lot of warm clothes, mufflers and jackets so I can wear layers of clothes."
Arjun is also looking forward to eating momos and hot noodles. He adds,"You get some great Momos there as the temperature is very cold and this food can make us warm. If I get some time off I might go for a ropeway ride." Arjun is going to miss his son Ayaan a lot in this trip as he adds,"He is only three and I don't want him to fall sick because the temperature is very low here. But technology always helps in this situation as I am going to do video chats with him."