Aasman Bharadwaj made an impactful directorial debut with Kuttey. The thriller hit the marquee on January 13 and became the talk of the town. The film landed on Netflix on 16th March and has been constantly ruling over the hearts of the audience. While the audience has showered immense love on this Aasman Bharadwaj directorial, it went on to top the charts and is now trending at No. 1 in India.
With its entry into the streaming arena, Kuttey has successfully grabbed the eyeballs of the audience with its interesting and thrilling story. Continuing its successful spree, the film has made its place at the No. 1 position in India and is at No. 5 in the top 10 non-English films globally. Having received a great response from all across the film has been unanimously watched for 3550000 hours this week.
Kuttey showcases the story of different protagonists who are termed as dogs and running behind one objective. It's a story that dwells in between Bullets, Bloods, and Betrayal.
Kuttey is produced by Luv Ranjan, Vishal Bhardwaj, Ankur Garg, and Rekha Bhardwaj under the banner of Luv Films and Vishal Bhardwaj Films, and presented by Gulshan Kumar and Bhushan Kumar’s T-Series.
The film’s music was scored by Vishal Bhardwaj with lyrics penned by Gulzar.
The film is now available on Netflix.
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