The film Article 370 has been in the news ever since the makers dropped its trailer a couple of weeks ago. Directed by Aditya Suhas Jambhale and starring Yami Gautam and Priya Mani in central characters, the film delves into one of the most contentious and debated issues in Indian politics – the abrogation of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir and how the entire strategy was executed.
Intelligence agent Zooni Haksar (Yami Gautam Dhar), who is posted in Kashmir, faces backlash after she kills a dreaded terrorist in a shootout. Her senior Khawar Ali (Raj Arjun) transfers her to Delhi for disobeying his orders. Months later, Zooni joins forces with Rajeshwari Swaminathan (Priya Mani), a bureaucrat in the Prime Minister’s Office in Delhi, to lay the groundwork to revoke Article 370 in the state of Jammu & Kashmir. How they make this seemingly impossible task possible is what Article 370 is all about.
The real hero of Article 370 is its painstaking writing as the film does not merely scratch the surface but dives deep into the complexities surrounding the decision-making process. All facts have been presented in the most simplified way so that the audience does not find itself overwhelmed by the sheer complexity of the subject matter.
Yami Gautam’s stellar portrayal of Zooni Haksar, an intelligence agent with a nuanced understanding of the region’s socio-political dynamics is commendable. Her performance keeps you invested in the narrative, as she navigates through the intricate web of alliances, betrayals, and personal sacrifices with remarkable finesse. Her character embodies resilience and determination, making her journey from the corridors of power to the rugged terrains of Kashmir both compelling and relatable.
Priya Mani shines as a bureaucrat in the Prime Minister's Office in Delhi, representing the bureaucratic machinery that operates behind closed doors. Yami and Priya’s dynamic is fraught with tension as they lay the groundwork for the historic decision on Article 370.
The perfect casting of the film is another winner. Arun Govil as Prime Minister and Kiran Karmarkar as Home Minister, characters based on Narendra Modi and Amit Shah respectively, leave an impression even with their very limited screentime.
What sets Article 370 apart is its balanced approach to a deeply polarizing subject. Through its well-crafted screenplay and sharp dialogue, it prompts audiences to question the status quo and reevaluate their preconceived notions about Kashmir and its people.
Furthermore, the film's technical aspects deserve special mention. From breathtaking cinematography that captures the majestic beauty of Kashmir to a haunting musical score that underscores the emotional weight of the narrative, every aspect of production elevates the viewing experience.
In a nutshell, Article 370 is a must-watch for anyone interested in socio-political issues. With its powerhouse performances, engaging storyline, and timely themes, it emerges as one of the best films of 2024 so far. I am going with 4 stars.
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