India's minister Arun Jaitley is to resume the charge of the finance and corporate ministry on Thursday (23), after he stepped aside as finance minister in May 2018 to undergo a kidney transplant.
He stopped attending his office on the initials days of April. He is scheduled to return his office later today.
"The resident of India, as advised by the Prime Minister, has directed to assign the portfolios of the Minister of Finance and Minister of Corporate Affairs to Arun Jaitley," an official notification issued by the Indian government said.
The minister had undergone a renal transplant surgery on May 14 and on the same day, the charge of his finance ministry was handed over to Piyush Goyal, Minister for Railways and Coal on an interim basis.
According to his doctor's advice, he remained in his residence and opted not to attend public events. However, he attended the upper house of Indian parliament (Rajya Sabha) for the election of Deputy chairman on August 9 and this was minister’s first public appearance in the last four months.