Actress Athiya Shetty, who was last seen in comic-caper Mubarakan (2017), has signed a new film wherein she plays the role of a Kashmiri footballer. The film, titled Hope Solo, is a biopic which explores the world of a 22-year-old Kashmiri girl, Afshan Ashiq, who put together a team of women footballers in the valley and has been training them ever since.
The film will be directed by Manish Harishankar, who has previously assisted veteran filmmaker Rajkumar Santoshi on films such as Halla Bol (2008), Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani (2009), and Phata Poster Nikla Hero (2013). Though Hope Solo is a biopic, it will not just focus on a success story.
“Unlike most Indian biopics, this film will not be a success story but an emotional journey that portrays one girl’s fight against a system. It will focus on several movements like Khelo India, a national programme for the development of sports in the country, and the Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao scheme for women empowerment. Afshan’s dream has always been to be a national-level goalkeeper and represent India in international women's football. The film will focus on these aspirations,” a source reveals.
Before the film goes on the floor, Athiya is undergoing training in football. She is learning the nuances of the game before she begins shooting for the movie. “Athiya is presently practising football daily to step into Afshan’s shoes and has also been training as a goalkeeper. Her prep will also include learning Kashmiri and acclimatising with the accent,” the source adds.
Ready to begin production later this year, Hope Solo will be shot in the Kashmir Valley.