Indian television actress Saumya Tandon, who became a household name after essaying the character of Anita Vibhuti Narayan Mishra a.k.a. Anita Bhabhi on the hit &TV show Bhabiji Ghar Par Hain, has welcomed a new addition to her family.
According to an entertainment portal, the actress has been blessed with a baby boy. For the uninitiated, Saumya Tandon is married to banker Saurabh Devendra Singh. The couple tied the nuptial knot in December 2016.
Saumya had announced that she was pregnant with her first child in November last year. The talented actress had called her pregnancy a "fascinating ride".
"Woke up feeling like a magician, feel like a superhero without a cape most days now, filled with blessing and godliness. Constantly excited by the buzzing in my head and the sudden pump of hormones. This promises to be a fascinating ride. The big news -- I'm pregnant and trying to soak in every moment of it! Need your best wishes throughout," the actress had written in her Instagram post.
We wish Saumya and Saurabh all the best in this exciting new stage of their lives with their new baby!
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