Comedian Bharti Singh and her husband Haarsh Limbachiya are currently enjoying their marital life. Talking about life post marriage, Bharti said to a leading Indian news channel, “I think it makes a lot of difference if you find the right life partner. Haarsh supports me a lot and never questions me. It has been three months since we have got married, but our masti and maramaari continues. Kabhi gussa aata hai, kabhi hansi aati hai (sometimes I feel angry at him, and something he makes me laugh). But life is good, and I'm enjoying it. Haarsh never stops me from doing anything. We have got married after seven years of relationship, and we still feel we are friends only. In fact, we gel so well that we don't need the company of friends to go out on a dinner or a drive."
Bharti has taken a break from her work to soak into marital bliss. She said, “I don't believe in working continuously. And there are benefits of making a comeback after a gap. That way, people are excited about your comeback and welcome you with open arms. It's like following Aamir Khan's footsteps who comes out with one movie per year. In fact Haarsh encouraged me to take a break and asked me to take out time for myself."
She added, “He said you don't need to work continuously and that you are not working in a daily soap. You must chill a bit. I followed his advice. We got married, honeymooned for a month, and are still chilling out. I'm not in a hurry."
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