Vikramaditya Motwane directorial vigilante drama Bhavesh Joshi Superhero is one of the highly anticipated Hindi films of 2018. The theatrical trailer of the flick was launched a couple of weeks ago, which garnered a favourable response from the audience. While the audience was gearing up to watch the film in cinemas on 25th May, a last-minute decision taken by the makers is going to make their wait a little longer.
Earlier scheduled to enter movie halls on 25th May, Bhavesh Joshi Superhero will now have its date with theatres on 1st June, 2018. Yes, the film has been shifted to 1st June from its initial release of 25th May. The makers have taken this decision to provide a better release window to the film at the box-office as many Bollywood, regional and Hollywood movie will already be jostling for space on 25th May.
Bhavesh Joshi Superhero stars newcomer Harshvardhan Kapoor in the lead role. It traces the journey of a group of friends who set off on the path of rectitude and righteousness. Apart from an engrossingly told story, the film promises a dose of intense action and well-choreographed hand combat fights.
Presented by Eros International and produced by Phantom Films and Reliance Entertainment, Bhavesh Joshi Superhero rolls into theatres on 1st June.