A few days ago, Prithviraj Sukumaran had announced that his movie Bhramam will be getting a direct-to-digital release on Amazon Prime Video. The actor had tweeted, "Proud to introduce my film, Bhramam - available in India only on @primevideoin and in theatres worldwide (except India) from 7th Oct, 2021."
Now, on Saturday (25), the teaser of the film was unveiled. Prithviraj took to Twitter to share the teaser with his fans.
The actor tweeted, "Do you see everything you hear? Watch #BhramamOnPrime on 7th Oct, Available only in India. @PrithviOfficial, @Iamunnimukundan, @mamtamohan, @RaashiiKhanna_, @dop007, @JxBe @primevideoin, @Viacom18studios, @APIfilms."
Bhramam is the Malayalam remake of the Hindi film Andhadhun which starred Ayushmann Khurrana, Tabu, and Radhika Apte in the lead roles. In the remake, Prithviraj will be stepping into the shoes of Ayushmann, Raashii Khanna plays the role that Apte portrayed, and Tabu's character will be played by Mamta Mohandas.
Well, the teaser of the film is interesting and entertaining. Prithviraj looks amazing in it, and we are sure his fans are excited to watch him in the movie.
Bhramam will premiere on Amazon Prime Video on 7th October 2021. It will be Prithviraj's third film to release on the streaming platform. Earlier, his movies Cold Case and Kuruthi were premiered on Amazon Prime Video.
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