Aside from being the biggest icon in the history of Bollywood cinema, Amitabh Bachchan is also known for lending his voice to some classic songs over the years such as Mere Paas Aao from Mr Natwarlal and Mere Angane Mein from Laawaris. He has now joined forces with Rishi Kapoor to sign the song BADUMBAA for their upcoming film 102 Not Out.
Badumbaaa, which is a fun, lively foot tapping number will be the first time Kapoor has sung a song. The song has even been composed by Bachchan.
It was during the last day of the shoot that director Umesh Shukla and his team discussed the idea of having Bachchan and Kapoor sing a duet for the film. Bachchan instantly gave a nod to the idea and even said that he would compose the song himself. When Shukla approached Kapoor to sing the song, the actor was apprehensive and said that he would like to do rehearsals first and then sing.
Talking about it, Shukla said: "When Rishiji came to the recording studio, he did the first rehearsal and after the first rehearsal itself he was himself surprised to discover his singing talent. We did not have have to do many retakes as his first one time was perfect."
Well, we are sure all his fans out there will be elated to see another facet of his multifaceted personality. Not only will we see the two superstars back after 27 years but also singing together!
Movie Afficianados unite!
102 Not Out is released on May 4th 2018.
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