Talented character actor Boman Irani, who was recently seen in Rajkumar Hirani’s blockbuster movie Sanju (2018), has joined the cast of Dinesh Vijan’s forthcoming production venture, Made In China. The film features Rajkummar Rao as the male lead.
While Rajkummar plays a struggling Gujarati businessman in the movie, who sets out on a bizarre journey to the neighbouring country of China, Boman plays a doctor. It will be the first time when Rao and Irani work together in a movie. Made In China also stars Mouni Roy as the female lead.
“I almost didn’t do this film because of my slipped disc for which I was advised rest for a few weeks. Then, one day, Dino (Dinesh Vijan) came across and introduced me to a bunch of young boys saying he was confident I’d work it out with them. I discussed my role, the subject and the treatment in detail with director Mikhil Musale. A single session extended to four-five follow-up meetings and I’m on,” reveals Boman Irani.
Made In China will be helmed by Mikhil Musale who is a well-known Gujarati filmmaker. It will be his first Bollywood film.
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