Kangana Ranaut has filed an application in the Bombay High Court stating that she needs to travel to Budapest this month for the shooting of the film Dhaakad, but the local passport authority refused to renew her passport as she has a case registered against her for alleged hateful tweets.
According to PTI, on Friday, the Bombay High Court adjourned the hearing on Kangana’s interim application seeking renewal of her passport to the next week. However, a bench of Justices S S Shinde and G A Sanap allowed Ranaut's counsel, advocate Rizwan Siddiquee, to seek an urgent hearing on the application on Monday, June 28.
Along with Kangana’s advocate, the bench also allowed advocate Hrishikesh Mundargi, the lawyer for the producers of the film, to be heard. Advocates Siddiquee and Mundargi said the shooting had been already scheduled and the producers were losing around Rs 15 lakh (Rs 1500000 / £ 14539) per day as Kangana is not able to travel to Budapest.
However, the bench said the court hours for the day were over. The judges said, “That does not mean we sit day and night, listening to matters for 24 hours. We are granting you liberty to move the court for urgent hearing (on Monday).”
Earlier, while informing her fans about her passport renewal being rejected, Kangana had posted on the Koo app, “Mahavinashkari government (referring to the Maharashtra government) has started my indirect harassment again, my request for passport renewal has been rejected because a roadside Romeo called Munawar Ali Sayed filed a sedition case on me by the way the case was almost dismissed by the court yet court rejected my request for passport and the reason given is 'my request is vague'."
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