Ayushmann Khurrana and Vaani Kapoor will be seen together on the big screen for the first time in Abhishek Kapoor’s Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui. The movie is slated to release on 10th December 2021, and on Monday (8), the makers launched the trailer of the movie.
T-Series took to Twitter to share the trailer of the film. They tweeted, “Everything is fair in AASHIQUI! Promising to keep you on your toes with this mind-boggling love story #ChandigarhKareAashiqui, trailer out now. In cinemas on 10th Dec. https://bit.ly/ChandigarhKareAashiqui_Trailer @Abhishekapoor @ayushmannk @Vaaniofficial #BhushanKumar @pragyakapoor_”
The trailer of the film is entertaining, and Khurrana’s amazing body transformation is surely one of the highlight of it. He is looking like a perfect Punjabi Munda from Chandigarh, and Vaani is looking super hot in the trailer.
One more thing that impresses us a lot in the trailer is the music. It’s quite catchy and we can’t wait to listen to the songs of the movie.
Earlier, there were reports that Vaani’s character in the film is a transgender and after watching the trailer we can say that the reports might be true.
While the trailer is interesting, we cannot ignore that the basic storyline of Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui looks similar to Pati Patni aur Panga which starred Adah Sharma and Naveen Kasturia. The series was released last year on MX Player.
Well, let's see what response Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui will be getting at the box office.