News of actress Rashmi Singh putting her papers down and leaving Star Plus’ Sanjivani 2 surprised every avid watcher of the show. Her character had built its own fan following over the months and her sudden exit from the series came as a surprise for everyone.
Though there is no update on what led Rashmi Singh to walk out of the hit medical drama all of a sudden, it has been confirmed that actress Chandni Bhagwanani has been roped in as her replacement. Chandni Bhagwanani, who was last seen in Rashmi Sharma Telefilms’ Roop – Mard Ka Naya Swaroop, is nervous about facing the camera after a long break.
The actress says that it is difficult to replace someone whose portrayal of a certain character has already been loved by the audience. However, she adds that she loves challenges and will approach the character as a new one and not treat it as a mere replacement.
Also starring talented actors Mohnish Bahl, Gurdeep Kohli, Surbhi Chandna, and Nimit Khanna in lead roles, Sanjivani 2 is the second season of Star Plus’ Sanjivani which aired between 2002 to 2005. The latest season hit the tube on 12th August, 2019. Thanks to its electric cast and gripping storytelling, the show has been received very well by the audience. It is one of the top-rated shows on Star Plus.
Talking about the current track of Sanjivani 2, it focuses on the love story of Dr. Sid (Namit Khanna) and Dr. Ishani (Surbhi Chandna). Love blossomed between the two after Sid saved Ishani's life. However, there are still a lot of twists and turns in store for the audience. So, let’s wait and watch to see what happens next.