Starring Amitabh Bachchan and Emraan Hashmi in lead roles, the hugely anticipated Bollywood thriller Chehre has decided to hit theatres on a new date. Earlier scheduled to release on 21st February, 2020, the movie will now enter cinemas worldwide on 24th April, 2020.
By postponing its release date to 24th April 2020, Chehre has averted a box-office clash with two films - Dharma Productions’ horror film Bhoot Part One: The Haunted Ship and Anurag Basu's next with Abhishek Bachchan and Aditya Roy Kapur.
Chehre will now enjoy a clean run at the box-office. The other notable movies slated to release in April 2020 include Ranveer Singh's '83 and the Janhvi Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao starrer Roohi Afza.
Chehre is a mystery thriller directed by writer-director Rumi Jaffery. Set in Shimla, the film has an intriguing story with Bachchan playing a lawyer and Emraan playing a business tycoon. Besides Amitabh Bachchan and Emraan Hashmi, the movie also stars Rhea Chakraborty, Siddhanth Kapoor, Dritman Chakroborthy and Annu Kapoor in important roles.
This is the first time when Emraan Hashmi is sharing the screen space with Big B. Sharing his experience of working with the thespian of Indian cinema, the actor had earlier said, "I had a really good experience working with him. I think he has a profound impact not just on every actor but also on every citizen of our country. Just to face the camera and be in the same frame with him has been a really memorable experience.”
Bankrolled by Anand Pandit Motion Pictures and Saraswati Entertainment Private Limited, Chehre rolls into theatres on 24th April, 2020.
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