ACTOR Vicky Kaushal announced on Monday (19) that his upcoming period drama, Chhaava, in which he portrays Maratha emperor Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj, will hit theatres on December 6. The film, directed by Laxman Utekar and produced by Dinesh Vijan of Maddock Films, also features Rashmika Mandanna and Akshaye Khanna.
The makers officially released the first glimpse into the world of Chhaava on social media on Monday, days after its teaser premiered in cinema halls alongside the shows of Maddock Films' latest offering Stree 2.
"Protector of Swarajya. Defender of Dharma. #Chhaava – An epic of a courageous warrior. The Warrior Roars... on 6th December 2024," Vicky captioned his Instagram post alongside the teaser of the movie.
In the 1.12-minute teaser, the National Award winner can be seen taking on hundreds of soldiers singlehandedly as the fierce and brave Maratha warrior, who was the son of Maratha empire founder Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.
In Chhaava, Rashmika stars as Chatrapati Maharani Yesubai, the wife of Sambhaji, and Akshaye as Mughal emperor Aurangzeb.
The production banner also shared the film’s teaser on its social media pages.
"Unbowed. Unbroken. Unconquerable. The courage to defy an empire. The Warrior Roars...... on 6th December 2024. @vickykaushal09 @iamRashmika #AkshayeKhanna #DineshVijan @Laxman10072 #ARRahman @thewriteinsaan @sharadakarki #PoojaVijan @MaddockFilms," read the post.
A R Rahman has composed the music for Chhaava, written by Rishi Virmani. (PTI)