Colors, one of the leading general entertainment channels in Hindi, has raised the curtain on its much-awaited show Balika Vadhu 2. As the title aptly suggests, Balika Vadhu 2 will mark the second season of Colors’ iconic show Balika Vadhu, which revolved around the life of a child bride transitioning from her childhood to womanhood. It aired on Colors between 21 July 2008 and 31 July 2016 and ran for 2248 episodes becoming the longest-running Indian television series on the channel.
Four years after Balika Vadhu ended its run, Colors is bringing the show back with a season two. On Monday, the channel unveiled the first teaser of the second season, which received overwhelming response from the audience.
Sharing the promo along with the caption, Colors wrote, “Child marriage is that ugly practice of our society that is still prevalent. To eradicate it, a new Anandi, a new Balika Vadhu is born. Balika Vadhu Season 2 is coming soon only on Colors.”
According to reports, Shreya Patel and Vansh Sayani have been roped in to play the lead characters on the show. The role of Anandi was played by Avika Gor in the first season and it catapulted her to overnight fame in the television industry, while Avinash Mukherjee essayed the role of Jagiya Bhairon Singh. The second season of the show went on floors in Rajasthan but will soon shift shoot to Mumbai.
Spilling some more beans on the plotline of the new season, a source in the know told the same publication, “While the soul of the project would be close to the original, it would be set in current times. The makers also want to address the changing societal norms and how it affects the younger generation.”
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