Speculations have been rife for long that Ekta Kapoor is planning a sequel to her hit film Ek Villain. Starring Sidharth Malhotra, Shraddha Kapoor and Riteish Deshmukh in lead roles, Ek Villain was one of the most successful movies of the year 2014, garnering over ₹ 100 crores at the box-office. Since it still remains one of the biggest hits of her production house, Balaji Motion Pictures, Ekta is keen to have its sequel as soon as possible. And if sources are to be believed, the producer has roped in Mohit Suri again and the team has started brainstorming for an exciting story.
"Ekta is keen to do a sequel to Ek Villain. It is likely to star Sidharth Malhotra, who played the lead in the first instalment. Since the film was among Ekta's production house's most successful projects, she wants to take the franchise forward. It was written by Milap Zaveri with screenplay by Tushar. Since Milap is busy with Satyamev Jayate, Tushar, Sidharth and Mohit have been meeting frequently to discuss the script. As soon as it's locked, Mohit will finalise the rest of the cast,” a source reveals.
The source adds further that Shraddha Kapoor or Riteish Deshmukh will not be a part of the sequel as their characters die in the first instalment. “The sequel will obviously not star Shraddha Kapoor or Riteish Deshmukh, as their characters died in the first part.”
Director Mohit Suri confirms that he has started jamming with his writers to come up with a story. “Ekta has expressed a desire to make a sequel to Ek Villain, but there's no script yet. I am jamming with my writers and brainstorming to come up with a concept. It may be a love story. Tushar has a great mind, so I often bounce my ideas off with him,” the director says.
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