After launching Sonam Kapoor and Ranbir Kapoor with his 2007 directorial Saawariya, celebrated Bollywood filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali is now set to provide a launch-pad to seasoned actor-comedian Javed Jaffery’s son Meezaan. The film will be directed by Mangesh Hadawale.
“It's official... Sanjay Leela Bhansali to launch Meezaan in his forthcoming film... To be directed by Mangesh Hadawale,” wrote well-known film critic and trade analyst Taran Adarsh in his tweet.
Debutant Meezaan also confirmed reports about his entry into Bollywood. “Being an actor was not a childhood dream but it was Sanjay sir who not only gave me this dream but also believed in me and made it real by launching me,” he said in a statement.
Prerna Singh, CEO at Bhansali Productions Pvt Ltd (BPPL), revealed that the banner has signed Meezaan for three films. “When I saw Meezaan for the first time in the office, the immediate thought that crossed my mind was such a versatile face. In this exciting phase of the industry, there couldn’t have been a better time but now to launch him. We have signed him for three films and continue our aim at BPPL to give the industry more talent.”
Talking about Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s next directorial venture, the ace filmmaker is teaming up with superstar Salman Khan for a love story. Confirming the development, Prerna said, “Yes, Salman Khan and Sanjay Leela Bhansali are reuniting after 19 years for a love story. Their collaboration is the best thing that can happen in terms of story-telling.”
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