Well-known television actress Saumya Tandon, who plays the popular character of Anita Vibhuti Narayan Mishra on Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai, has opted out of the &TV show. The actress, who has been associated with the show from the very beginning, has put her papers down after playing the lead character for five long years. She shot for her final episode today.
Talking to a publication, Tandon said, “I have had a beautiful journey of five years with the show. I have formed some amazing friendships on the set. But as an actor, you want to explore different things. I also believe there is a time for everything, and this was my time with Bhabiji. There is so much content being made, and I want to see myself attempt something different. I am a thinking actor and do not feel the need to be seen on television every day.”
Ever since the team of Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai resumed shooting post-Coronavirus-induced lockdown in India, rumours started doing the rounds that Tandon was contemplating exiting the show. While some media outlets reported that she was leaving the show due to the Coronavirus scare, others reported it had to do with pay-cuts.
Quashing all those baseless rumours, the actress said, “It was so painful to read all those articles. I was not allowed to talk to the media then. But I am a person who gives a thought to everything. Neither is it money nor COVID. Sorry to burst the bubble but there is just no controversy here. It was a decision taken as an artist, and I think that is why the team understood it so well. I worked till the last stage of my pregnancy and was back within four months of delivering my son. I worked so hard to get back in shape for the role. This move was, however, important as an actor. I must add that it was not impulsive but a well-thought-out move.”
There is no update on who will replace Saumya Tandon as Anita Bhabhi on Bhabiji Ghar Par Hain.
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