Speculations had been rife lately that the hugely successful &TV show Bhabhiji Ghar Par Hain was set for a major casting overhaul. Some media outlets had reported that Shefali Jariwala was in talks with the makers to replace actress Saumya Tandon as the latter was not comfortable shooting for the show amid the Coronavirus pandemic. Saumya plays the popular character of Anita Bhabhi on Bhabhiji Ghar Par Hain.
However, when producer Binaifer Kohli was contacted to confirm the development, she denied all rumours of any replacement. Speaking with a leading publication, she said, “I don’t know where these rumours are coming from. I have not spoken to Shefali Jariwala or anyone. Saumya Tandon is currently shooting for the show. As of now, she is very much a part of Bhabhiji Ghar Par Hain and will be shooting with us. Saumya is a good artist. I love her. She is very professional. If I had my way, I would have never let her go.”
Before Binaifer, Shefali had also quashed the rumours. “It is not at all true. I really don’t know how my name came into the picture when there has been no discussion at all,” she had told an online publication.
Saumya had not been shooting for Bhabhiji Ghar Par Hain, after her staff member tested positive for COVID-19 earlier this month. Binaifer had said then, “It is extremely unfortunate that a personal staff member of our artist has contracted the virus. The staff member was tested and a day before the shoot, the report came out negative. The artist and her staff member have not been shooting with us for over 6 days now.”
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