Speculations were rife of late that Ranbir Kapoor has bagged ace filmmaker Shoojit Sircar's next film which is a biopic on Indian revolutionary Udham Singh who assassinated Michael O' Dwyer, the former Lieutenant Governor of Punjab in India, to avenge the massive massacre of Jallianwala Bagh in 1919.
However, Sircar has now come forward to clarify that though he is making a biopic on Udham Singh, Ranbir Kapoor is not a part of it. “I am making the Udham Singh biopic, I’m already in the process of it, I’ve started shooting few clips also. The cast has been more or less locked, I’ll be letting it out soon. But Ranbir isn’t there. We are friends, we played football together so we have meetings together. We talk about cinema and other things, but no. If something happens with Ranbir in the future, I’ll let you know, he revealed.
Meanwhile, Sircar is now awaiting the release of his next directorial, October. Starring Varun Dhawan in the lead role, the movie enters cinemas on 13th April.
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