After the smashing success of Sanju (2018) at the box-office, rumours have been rife that filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani will reteam with Ranbir Kapoor for a new project. While every film enthusiasts were happy to know that the hit director-actor duo will collaborate again, what sent movie buffs into a frenzy were reports which stated that Hirani is planning to replace Arshad Warsi with Ranbir Kapoor in the next instalment of the Munna Bhai series.
However, it has now been revealed that no one is replacing Warsi in the Munna Bhai franchise. Only Arshad will play Circuit whenever Munna Bhai 3 is made.
"Sanjay Dutt and Arshad Warsi will always be Munna Bhai and Circuit. Some writer somewhere got excited about the idea of having Hirani and Ranbir work together again after Sanju, and he decided, on their behalf, that they would be doing Munna Bhai together. The truth is, there is no script ready for the next Munna Bhai film yet. Writer Abhijat Joshi has been asked to work on it, but he’s yet to crack a subject," a source reveals.
The source goes on to add that Hirani is indeed planning to work with Kapoor again, "But not Munna Bhai. That will be with Dutt and Warsi only"
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